We're reading MacBeth in class and I have to say that it can be really boring or really interesting. The story itself is pretty weird but my favorite far in the whole thing is the witches' incantations at the beginning of Act 4. Many famous lines come from this part for instance: Double double toil and trouble/ Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Also, shortly following this part is the even more famous line: By the pricking of my thumbs/ Something wicked this way comes.
Anyway, this whole scene is pretty awesome if you just imagine three crazy witches surrounding a bubbling cauldron a putting all the stuff that they mention in, for instance:
Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf
Witches' mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravined salt-sea shark
Root of hemlock digged i'th' dark
Liver of blaspheming Jew
Gall of goat and slips of yew
Don't know what he's saying either but it sounds pretty cool.