Sunday, December 11, 2011

Excuses, excuses

Two posts in one night!!! Wow!!!! Anyway, this post is here to explain why I kind of stopped posting.
Reason 1: Summer vacation started and I do my best not to think during summer vacation. 
Reason 2: Ran out of ideas temporarily. 
Reason 3: I just started at a new school and am a thousand times busier than I was at my last school. 
Reason 4: Unlike at my last school, here I have a slight glimmer of what could be considered a life (if you twist the situation a lot)

Anyway, the reason I posted tonight was because I read a really cool book and none of my friends are nerdy enough to actually want to get into it with me. So, to let my feelings out, I'm blabbing on a blog that no one will ever actually read so whatever. 

My excuses suck and I can't promise that I will keep it up but if I have any new ideas I'll post them. 

"Excuses change nothing but make everyone feel better."
Mason Cooley


I just finished reading this book, literally about 5 minutes ago. My heart is still thumping and I have a twisty feeling in my stomach. I don't know whether it's guilt or fear or something else completely. Anyway, I just have to say that this book is extremely powerful and extremely scary because it makes you think about whether you might be on someone else's list. Is there something that you inadvertently did or said that snowballed into something terrible? Is someone around you going through the same thing? Are you the one failing to reach out and help? The way it's told is so powerful because it sounds so real and if you can just place yourself into Clay's shoes you feel every emotion he feels. It's also the kind of book that once you pick up, you can't put it down regardless of what you want. Even if you are forced to put it down, you will be yearning to know what happens next for the whole time that you are not reading. It's so suspenseful that even now, after I'm done, I still feel the need to know what will happen next. I won't say anything else in case someone else wants to read the book. Oh, and don't take this as a way to scare people away from the book. The reason we read books is to awaken things in us that real life on it's own cannot. The reason many people believe that their lives would not make good books is because they wouldn't to that person. To someone else, your life may seem incredibly interesting. Anyway, my point is, though it may have seemed like some of my comments were negative, this is actually supposed to be a glowing recommendation for this book. Everyone should read it. It mostly seems like a girly book but I think that even guys could greatly enjoy this book. So that's it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's Thursday.

It's been a while since I last posted. I will tell you what is going on. I have had like three new ideas for stories but they all fell flat on their faces and died so I won't even share them. What I will share is my new obsession with a new series.
Learn this because you life may depend on it someday: I get strange obsessions from time to time.
Anyway, my newest obsession is about a book called Thirst no1. There's also Thirst no2, Thirst no3 and Thirst no4. Anyway, it's about a vampire but it's not like all the contemporary vampire stories that are circulating. It's way better, way cooler and the author, Christopher Pike, actually knows what he is talking about. Read it.

"Mortals have always exaggerated the difference between hate and love. Both come from the heart. You can never hate strongly unless you have loved strongly."
Christopher Pike (Thirst No. 1: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, Red Dice)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Do you ever walk through airports and have the urge to ask everyone where they are from and where they are going? Like, "Hey, cool accent. Where are you from?" or "You're speaking Spanish. That's cool. Where are you from."

I was in the airport yesterday and there were so many people. There was this Romanian lady and I felt sorry for her because she didn't understand what anyone was saying and she missed her plane because of that.

Anyway, since there is so much waiting around in airports, I love to people watch and it is funny some of the things you will see. There were these two guys both earing green pants and white muscles shirts. They didn't have muscles though they were really thin. There was also this guy with really fluffy hair and big nerdy glasses. He was just sitting there but I liked the way he looked. It was cool.

"Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly."
-Arnold Edinborough

Monday, June 20, 2011

Idea #1

Okay, so here is an idea for a story. I'll let it sit for a week and if it becomes a story then it was a good idea. That sentence made sense in my head. Anyway here's the idea.

A headstrong princess leaves her kingdom with her prince when she goes back, the place is in ruins, her father is dead and she is officially in charge. What will she do? Is the world going to end?

It sounds like a good idea but is it?
I will gladly take suggestions in my comments section or since no one is actually reading my blog from my little sister.

Either this will become an awesome story or anyone who read my idea will be left with a horrible cliff hanger.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
-Maya Angelou

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Um, hi. Is there anyone there?

I don't know if anyone is reading this but if you are...

To Whom It May Concern:

This is where all my ideas, random moments of inspiration and cool quotes will go. If youw nat to read, read. If you don't, you're missing out an something. I don't know if it's a good something or a bad something but you will miss out. This is my overflow page, where all the ideas that would otherwise have to squish together in my brain are allowed to come out and be free or something like that. (My writing teacher at school says that I need to use more figurative language. I think that was personification or maybe metaphor) If these ideas inspire you then I will be happy but please don't steal any. Agreed? Good.


"I'm too wacky for most weirdos. Who am I to judge?"
-Tori Amos

"Quotes are nothing but inspiration for the uninspired."
-Richard Kemph